Hsg panini grill price

The hsg panini grill price è proportionate to the speed of service that allows. The machine has been out of production since mid-2017 and has been replaced by Speedlight.

It is a professional toaster that works by combining different cooking technologies.

And the 75% faster of the normali toasters for bars and is able to offer the customer a product of highest quality.

The heated sandwiches with hsg panini grill are warm inside and perfectly toasted outside in less than a minute.

hsg panini grill price

The sandwich plate features with Electrolux microwave

The secret behind so much quality is an incredible speed resulting from the combination of three different heat sources:

  • Microwave
  • Infrared radiation
  • Contact with plate

Just place the sandwich on the cooking surface and close the lid. The hsg panini grill toaster will automatically adapt the grill positioned at the top e will open the lid when the sandwich is golden and hot, albeit often, inside.

The Electrolux Professional hsg panini plate is recommended for all those activities that have ahigh production of sandwiches, toast and sandwiches. In Italy it is supplied in many Autogrills, but also in refuges, piadinerie and pubs.

Hsg panini grill price

Si amortizes for anyone who has a large amount of sandwiches to sell and does it with seasonal peaks or working hours. To see the hsg panini grill price you can visit our online store.

Today there are two types of machine, it has changed its name Manual speedelight o automatic.

Hsg buns Troubleshoot

Here are some common errors that may appear on your machine's screen:

Err 1 Lower probe
Err 2 Upper probe
Err 3 HV transformer overheating
Err 4 Front magnetron circuit problem
Err 5 Rear magnetron circuit problem
Err 6 Circuit problem of both magnetrons

If you have questions or need spare parts contact us.

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