Professional lava stone grill

Professional charcoal grill

Asking for a professional charcoal grill is a bit like asking for the moon. To be clear, professional and coal are two words that don't get along. In fact, almost all local health authorities require strict hygiene standards in Italy. Coal or charcoal, deriving directly from wood, are not allowed, except in rare and historical cases, to preserve the health of customers.

Given, therefore, that a professional charcoal grill does not exist, you can try to get closer to the result obtained with the classic barbecue made with wood of fruit trees, through two ways: lava stone or smoking.

Le lava stone grills, due to their ability to release and maintain heat for a long time, they are the closest you can get to coal on a professional level. Lava stone, of volcanic origin, is not as dirty as wood, nor is it very expensive.

The taste, however, is not always the same as that which can be obtained with the use of wood. For this they exist hot and cold smokers, widely used in the United States, which allow, especially meat, to absorb the aromas of wood. An oven chamber can also be used as a smoker to achieve a result similar to that of a professional charcoal grill.

The healthy and quick-to-clean alternative to the lava stone grill is the water grill. Masters of this solution are in Italy, the Paduans of Grillvapor. Using this device, with resistances heated with electricity or methane gas or LPG that bring food to high temperatures, fats that come out of them during cooking, they fall into the water.

It avoids the release of fumes that can, in the long run, be harmful to health, as well as make work in the kitchen more difficult without adequate extraction.

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